Between August 28-31, 2024, the 31st conference of the European Association of Archaeologists was held in Rome, where thousands of participants presented their research in over 300 sessions. In addition to archaeologists, professionals working in all areas of bioarchaeology presented their work, including two researchers from the MTA-RCH Momentum Bioarchaeology Research Group.


One of the sessions of the conference specifically focused on the provinces of the Roman Empire along the Danube from a scientific perspective, making it a perfect fit for the work of the MTA-BTK Lendület Bioarchaeology Research Group, led by Anna Szécsényi-Nagy. Along with three other national and international colleagues, Anna Szécsényi-Nagy was one of the organizers of the session titled: "Interdisciplinary and multiscalar approaches to bioarchaeology in the Danube provinces of the Roman Empire" (#439).


  • Anna Szécsényi-Nagy, Institute of Archaeogenomics, HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, Hungary
  • Ádám Bollók, Institute of Archaeology, HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, Hungary
  • Dragana Vulović, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia

During the session, the first anthropological results related to lifestyle reconstruction within the Lendület project were also presented, with the following authorship and title:

  • Krisztián Kiss, Orsolya Mateovics-László, Ágota Madai, Kitti Köhler, Mónika Merczi, Orsolya Láng, Zsolt Bernert, Balázs Gusztáv Mende, Péter Vámos, Anna Szécsényi-Nagy: "Livin’ on the edge” – Lifestyle reconstruction of Pannonian populations of the Roman Empire based on paleopathological analysis.

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The program and abstract booklet of the event is available HERE.